Western Sahara: ‘Polisario, Identity of a Front’ Screened at European Parliament
Western Sahara: ‘Polisario, Identity of a Front’ Screened at European Parliament

Algeria’s schemes for over 40 years to undermine Morocco’s interests through its political, diplomatic, financial and military support to the Polisario Front has been exposed at the European Parliament on the occasion of the screening of the documentary “Polisario: Identity of a front,” which provides accurate insight and objective view on the Western Sahara issue.

The 52-minute film was screened in a room packed with several MEPs, representatives of diplomatic missions and Sahrawi NGOs based in Europe, at the initiative of Chairman of the EU-Morocco Friendship Group at the European Parliament, Gilles Pargneaux.

“The documentary sheds light on the reality of the Polisario and offers a study that sheds light on its essence, ideology, supporters, practices and lack of legitimacy to represent the Sahrawis or defend a cause,” Pargneaux said on this occasion.

Directed by Hassan El Bouharrouti, the 90-minute movie sheds light on the geopolitical and geostrategic context of the Polisario Front’s genesis to better understand the ideology, support and actions by the separatist movement.

The documentary provides many testimonies by former founding members of the said front, as well as pictures from the archives of the “Institut national français de l’audiovisuel (INA).”

According to the film-maker, “the documentary is meant to inform the international public opinion about the truth of the artificial conflict over the Moroccan Sahara and of the roots and soundness of the national cause.”

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